A good answer might be:

Yes. There is no question about integers.

Varieties of if Statements

There are many ways to use the if statement. The statement can be used with one or two branches, and a branch can have include one or more statements. The table that shows these variations.

The booleanExpression in each of these varieties evaluates to true or false. Boolean expressions come in a variety of forms, which allow you to carefully state the conditions under which each branch will execute (see the next chapter for this.)

Varieties of if Statements
if ( booleanExpression )
if ( booleanExpression )
    one or more statements
if ( booleanExpression )
if ( booleanExpression )
    one or more statements
    one or more statements
if ( booleanExpression )
    one or more statements
if ( booleanExpression )
    one or more statements

The style of indenting used here leads to fewer errors than other styles you may have seen. An experiment with a group of professional programmers showed this to be true. Of course, the Java compiler ignores indenting and blank lines. Use this style unless there is a good reason not to (such as an employer that requires a different style.)

No matter which style you use, be consistent. Soon you will be able to visually see the logic of your programs. Programming and error catching will be easier.


Is the following if statement different from any of the above?

if ( booleanExpression ){
    one or more statements
}else {
    one or more statements }